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Python Overview

Updated: Jun 10, 2019

Python is a programming engine that we started using last Friday. It is used successfully by many people, and loved for it's simplicity. The language is simple enough for a person to read, yet can be translated into a command by the computer easily.

Python is also useful because it give the option to operate in 'Eco-Mode'. In this mode, it shuts down units that aren't being used, and focuses solely on what is important. This was created to lessen the impact on the environment. It allows energy savings of up to 7%.

Another thing that is great about Python is that it is a great language to be taught in schools and universities. Because of it's simple nature, it is easy to learn at any age. It is also incredibly easy to download, and doesn't take up much space.

What is also amazing is that ESA are planning to send a robot to Mars to bring rock samples back to Earth. The samples will then be examined for signs of life. It will be programmed to select specific rocks, and then bring them back (as it can only carry 500g of rocks). They will then be tested to see if there is any organic carbon in them, which could indicate life.

It is amazing to think that all that is possible because of a simple coding program (which happens to be named after Monty Python).


programming software also comes in many different forms. Python is a good example of what is called an 'interpreted' programming software. This means that the language is easier to understand, and the program is more 'human friendly' because it's translated back to a recognizable language. For beginner programmers who don't have much experience or knowledge of how to program, interpreted coding programs are a good start.

The other type of programming software is called 'compiled'. Compiled programs are the opposite of interpreted, as compiled are highly complicated and hard to understand. Because they aren't being translated in any way, these programs run very fast, and barely ever crash.

Interpreted programs run slower, because the computer constantly has to keep referring back to translate things over so that it understands what the programmer is asking it to do. Because of this, it's unclear on what type of software would be better. For a new coder, definitely an interpreted software like Python. For an experienced coder, perhaps something compiled and fast like C.

Overall, one can't be better than the other, as someone will always find it useful.

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