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3D Modelling a Door - Initial Thoughts and Reference Gathering

The third modelling project for the 3D modelling unit is to model a door. This is something I wanted to have fun with, so I gathered a wide variety of reference.

Much like with the revolver, I decided to go down the art nouveau route for reference. Since art nouveau are sometimes fantastical by themselves, I decided I wanted my model to have some elements of that style. However, art nouveau is a complex style to replicate, so these details may be few and only in etching done with normal maps.

I also gathered medieval and gothic reference, which I mainly chose because of the intricate door hinges used in these time periods/styles. A few of the doors had wood carvings on them, which is an idea I entertained, but decided against.

Here's a design I entertained for a while before deciding against it. I originally planned to use curves an NURBs to create the curve that would've been featured on the door. However, due to the complicatedness of the design, I scrapped this idea all together.

I still had some fun with this idea though, and imaged the different ways I could use normal maps to create interesting designs on the door. I tried drawing it out onto graph paper before I decided to try something different.

These are another two designs I had for the door, but I ended up liking the centre image the most. I liked the idea of having a gothic door (a relatively normal door) and have it be a mystical gateway.

I also thought that creating a tall door would be more foreboding than a wide door, so I decided that this design was a good place to start.


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