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Game Design - Chase's Game Proposal

During lockdown, we were given the task of creating a presentation proposal for someone else's game. I had a quick interview with Chase and put together a presentation about his game. This is something everyone did for each other in a fun exercise, which got us talking to each other.

Here is the presentation. Chase's game is far different from from mine. For example, while he used the tower from the brief as the main focus of his game, I used it more as a background setting for my game to take place within. I think the different directions we both went in is interesting, as we both received the same brief and created two entirely different concepts.

Chase's idea is far more complex than mine, and it shows that he put a lot of thought into the different mechanics he wanted at an early stage. In contrast, I had thought about a lot of mechanics, but had decided to scale them back to someting more achievable.

Looking at other people's work is helpful, as it can offer a new perspective on the same problem. For example, Chase and I both went for complex ideas at first, but I dialled mine in in favour of having something that I could create given I had enough time.

Although this project is now over, I had a lot of fun seeing everyone else's ideas, and deciding whether or not they were achievable. Being able to hear opinions on each others' projects was an important thing for me, as I'd just decided on scrapping my first iteration in favour of something simpler, and wanted to see if this would also work.

In conclusion, this first bit of feedback was fundamental in me settling on my current idea. I may have doubted that this idea would work as well and gone for something completely different instead. For example, the other ideas I brainstormed on my mindmap. These ideas are things I want to experiment with in the future, so I'm holding onto the mindmap until I decide I want to try and create something with these ideas in Unity or another programme.


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