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3D Modelling a Tower - Part 3

For UVing, instead of working top to bottom, I decided to work bottom to top.

Starting with the base, I used automatic UVs to get the basic shapes, and then sized certain parts up and down. These were either parts that wouldn't be seen, or had been made too big.

I then moved onto the next level up. Once again, I had to make a few adjustments.

Next was the first layer of flying buttresses.

I then went onto the next layer of flying buttresses.

With that, I reached the top of the base layers of the tower. Once again, I automatically UV'd this and then used the layout tool to organise it for me.

Next was the final layer of buttresses.

After, I moved onto the tower's main body, which was relatively simple, and didn't require much tweaking.

Now at the top part of the tower, I UV'd it, making sure the window had a lot of detail on it.

Next was one of the harder tasks for UVing; the roofs. I had to put in a lot of work to get something that both worked and was logical, since automatic UVs didn't help with this one.

I then sized up and down the different components of the tower accordingly, selected all of them and then used the layout tool to place them all in one grid.

Here are how the UVs look. The next step is to texture the model with these UVs.

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