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Another look into Directors and Concept Artists

I decided to do a bit more research into the people I decided to put on my billing block. I realised that the concept artists I chose were mainly landscape artists, and I needed to find someone to create art for possible characters.

To do this, I looked up the concept artists for Red Dead Redemption II, which would give me concept artists who are at least somewhat familiar with wild western clothing. I ended up finding Hethe Srodawa, who's also worked on Titanfall 2. The borderline cyberpunk characters he's created were a huge factor in me deciding that he would be another concept artist I chose to put on the billing block.

There was also the matter of directors. I wasn't satisfied with my research into directors so far, so I decided to have another look for any other I could find who'd worked on similar projects. I managed to find Rupert Sanders on IMBd. He's worked on fantasy projects like Snow White and the Huntsman, and sci-fi projects like Ghost in the Shell. Both of these were perfect for the movie I'm making a poster for, so I decided that he was definitely the top contender for the role of director.

This small bit of research helped a lot with the project so far, and it's also helped me research into the other roles a lot more. So far, I have all the people/companies I want on the billing block picked out, and I'm still researching into all of them individually. I'm confident in my choices right now, and I'm pleased with how their past projects are all linking together gradually. By the end of writing my reasons for picking all of the practitioners and companies, I'm sure that my response will be completely solid.


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