Although this subject has already come up in previous a previous blog post, thinking about the future career I want is always important to discuss and research. As a quick task, I needed to find six facts about the career I want to go into. This task was made harder by the fact that I have my eye on three roles in the Games Industry.
Here are the three roles I'm interested in. All of them are creative roles, but all of them are slightly different. I tried to think about what kinds of companies I could be working for in these roles. If it were an indie company, as well as doing concept art, I may end up doing animations, or background art for the game as well, depending on how large the team I'm working with is.
I thought it was important to consider this, as I may be a freelancer and have to work with companies of varying sizes. Knowing how to do multiple tasks will help me a lot in getting job offers and when in interviews.