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Individual Project - Initial thoughts and ideas

The next unit we move onto is the Individual Project, which was set to us by Pearson. It’s about the democratisation of media, which entails how media has become more accessible and widespread.

At the beginning of the academic year, this unit was briefly introduced, I went ahead and brainstormed a few ideas about the multitude of ways games can be played nowadays. There are a variety of consoles and genres to consider now, such as mobile and casual gaming, which is responsible for a lot of revenue for the Games Industry. This is a topic I’ve already looked into previously in NextGen, so I want to look into different areas of interest.

One of these is streaming services, which allow easier access to games, and also utilise the internet. The internet is used everyday now, for things such as shopping, answering questions and even connecting with people. Connecting with others online is something that has become far more attractive in the last year due to quarantine, and thus games that utilise this have been popular. These are games such as Among Us and Animal Crossing.

There are also many more companies creating games, which generates a variety of genres to chose from. Indie Companies are starting to get more recognition, and are leaving a bigger mark on the industry as a whole.

The rest of the brief is about project management. Because my chosen pathway is the Games Industry, I’ll be planning out the development of a game. This includes playboards, scripts and storyboards, a timetable/schedule (a Gantt Chart), and risk assessments. This can also include concept art, example code, and (as a stretch goal) a small coded part of the game. This is highly unlikely, but it is something to consider if there is extra time.

The first point of call for this project is to start creating concepts and to create a timetable and address all the risks that come with the project. I will also need to link my research to the game I’m planning out, which needs to be primary and secondary. For primary research, I may take a poll of popular games features and then discuss and incorporate them into my game plan, and also bring up popular examples.


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