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Individual Project - Introduction and Level 1 (Vertical Slice) Story

I wrote out a basic summary for the Introduction and Level 1 of the game I'm proposing in my project. The reason I only wrote out these two was because these are the levels that would be used in a Vertical Slice of the game, and also so that I wouldn't have to completely rewrite sections if my primary research results would suggest that I do so.

Here is a chart of mechanics. This may change later, and is purposefully basic for the same reasons the summaries are.

Here is the Introduction summary. Naturally, not a lot of gameplay will happen in this outside of tutorials, and it's mainly just scene setting and world building.

Here is the first level, which I had an attempt at scripting a scene of below.

Here is the script. I hope to turn this into a storyboard/playboard to use as an example in the project, which would also require me designing the character, Mella, and also possibly redesinging the Player.


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