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UX/UI - Testing and Feedback Part 2

With my website published, I decided to get some more feecback on how the website looks and feels. I asked some more people in my family about what they thought, which yielded me some usual information:

First Test (amatuer programmer):

  • Liked the colours and how they blended together.

  • The website worked well.

  • Found a mistake in the footer of the website, which was still labelled 'About Project' and still had a student blog link.

  • Suggested a drop-down menu, which has been suggested before.

  • Suggested adding a contents list at the top of the Game Design Document pages, like a Wikipedia article.

Second Test (average online user):

  • Liked the dull, easy-on-the-eyes colours the website now has.

  • Consider looking into stopping the buttons from scrolling the page (something that may justbe built into Wix).

  • Also suggested a drop-down menu (stated this during the first test they did).

  • Consider adding an age to the Target Audience section of the Game Design Document.

  • Found a typo in one of the page titles.

  • Agreed that a contents list should be added to the tops of some of the pages if possible.

Third Test (Software Manager):

  • Didn't find any dead links on the website.

  • Liked the colours and thought they suited the theme of the website.

  • Liked the scrolling the buttons did, as it works well with showing how long some pages are.

  • Wasn't convinced on the idea of having a drop-down menu, as it would bring in too many variables to the web design (having the drop-down invisible when on the Game Design Document Navigation page, which is something I don't think is possible with Wix).

  • Also wasn't convinced with the idea of the contents list, as they thought it would make the pages too convoluted and messy.

This advice gives me a new direction to go in. As well as correcting the mistakes that people found, I'll look into adding in a contents list to the top of the longer pages, and also look into stopping the scrolling that happens when clicking buttons at the bottom of the pages.


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