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UX/UI - Wireframing a Website Part 3

The only page I had not yet designed was the asset list, which was manly due to not knowing how to structure it on a webpage. I decided To just structure it the exact same as the document to avoid any confusion from a viewer who might have seen a PDF before going onto this website.

Here are the computer and mobile versions of the Asset List page. I made sure to design them long because of the amount of text that the bullet point list of assets has, as well as the amount of space the spreadsheet version of the list does.

I made the spreadsheet version of the document a lot thinner than the text box on the computer version of the design. I did this because I didn't want a giant spreadsheet to be taking up the entire page. It would also make everything contained in the spreadsheet far harder to read. It also wouldn't look good, so I decided that having the graph centred would be a good way of drawing attention to it whilst also keeping neat and tidy.


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