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Individual Project - Game Development Cycle

Game Development Cycle:

· Pre-Production(10% - 20% of the project):

o Defining costs – after an idea is decided on, it’s important to make sure everything is feasible and within budget.

o Concept – artwork and play/storyboards are created for the game.

o Core Mechanics – the main mechanics of the game are decided on, communicated to the rest of the team via Game Design Document or something of a similar nature.

o Grey-boxing and prototyping – an incredibly basic version of the game is made with simple, untextured settings to test out some early mechanics. This is also when the levels may be designed (or finalised if they already have been).

· Production:

o Pre-Alpha – the majority of content for the game is created (programming), but lacks many of the final assets it’ll have on release.

- Vertical slice – The may be when a vertical slice of the game may be created.

o Alpha – All assets are added to the game. This can be the longest stage in development depending on the workload.

o Beta – any final assets are added, and the game is gotten to a ‘stable’ point at which it is playable.

- Events and outside reviews – this playable version of the game may be advertised at conventions such as Eurogamer or E3.

- Branding and Marketing – This goes hand-in-hand with conventions, as a brand for the game must be created and word of its pending release put out there.

o ‘Gold’ – when the game is pronounced stable by the publishers, the game is called ‘gold.’

· Post Production:

o Game’s release – after being called ‘Gold’ the game is released to the public to buy. Reviews have to be kept under close watch in case there are any bugs on release, which can be fixed with patches.

o Post-mortem – the entire project team comes together and critically analyses what went well and what didn’t. This knowledge is important for future projects.

o ‘Closing Kit’ – any code or key designs are stored away for future reference.

- DLC – the closing kit can be used to implement DLC into the game.

- Sequel – it can also be used as a foundation for a sequel game.



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