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Board Game Advert - Pre Production

Over the past few weeks, we've been making slow but steady progress on our board game advert projects. This includes discussions over how filming will go, what to include in the trailer, and how to go about making the editing/Post Production process easier.

Chase created a basic script for the project, which I gradually created storyboards for. As Zombie Cribbage, the game we are making a trailer for, was one I'd never heard of, it was difficult for me to properly storyboard how the game works. I did some research into the game, which did help, although I still don't know how the game plays properly.

Here are the storyboards I created, which include later editions like the first page, which we decided would be a fun introduction to the game. It includes two survivors of a zombie apocalypse fleeing into a shed, and stumbling upon Zombie Cribbage.

Earlier storyboard included some different editions, such as a more elaborate sequence of a player drawing and playing a Joker Card, which got simplified down. This was mainly changed because I felt that the original sequence would interrupt the flow of the trailer, and would make it lag more or just feel out of place entirely. I wanted to keep a fast paced, simple tone in the advert, since the game itself is highly confusing.

This meant that I also considered how to cut down on filming and make things far easier. I decided early on that a good way of displaying various card combinations, a big part of Cribbage, would be to take still images of a table top with different card combinations laid out. This would mean there are less video files, and make identifying the card combinations in an unorganised SD card much easier. This will in turn make the editing process far easier.

The next thing to consider is filming our trailer. Since this is an editing unit, filming should be done as soon as possible so that we can get to editing it. We originally planned to film as early as possible (Monday 22nd), but I decided that we needed to discuss some more things before we agreed to anything.

The first thing we discussed was the location. Chase volunteered an allotment and shed for us to film in, which fits into the theme of a zombie apocalypse well. This also means that he will mainly be responsible for creating the Risk Assessment, since he's familiar with the area and can easily assess the conditions and threats that we may need to consider. This will also make commuting there easier, since it's a known location to him.

Another good thing about this location is that Chase will be bringing a friend in to help, and this friend is likely familiar with the area as well. This means that I'll be the only one who doesn't know the area, which gives us an advantage when it comes to filming, since the majority of people know the set.


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