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Collaberative Project - Week 4 - 7

A few days after the fourth session, I sent out an enquiry to EWCA, which I'm yet to receive a response to. Since Cade had already sent emails out to various other charities, there was only one other charity for me to email. However, their contact page had a character limit as well as a subject dropdown menu, which gave me the impression that I'd get no response from them, as they were a larger charity I had only logged to list out all the options.

It was at this point that we hit a dead end, despite me searching for a week for other local charities to contact and continuing to log them. However, we did have another back-up idea that I'd noted down a few weeks back. I had heard another student mention this idea, so I decided that our group could use it as well.

This idea was to get in contact with the course and department leaders and ask to set up a social media page promoting our current course. Since this time of year is when many schools and colleges are holding open days, this is the perfect time to get our course out there to other people interested in it. The email about this will be set out at some point in the same week, and will hopefully give us the boost we need to complete this project.


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