This week, we discussed more about how posts would be scheduled, and how we would promote our website and get the word out. For the latter, I suggested that we create the website as an example website, then present it as a campaign to the head of the depart. However, this is a last resort, since if we can market it, then we should.
We agreed that the schedule we will work from will be more relaxed, and that we will all post at least once a week, instead of on set days. This will go on into the holidays, which will mean that we will need to coordinate with each other when we are posting, as we will all be using the same account. This will mean that we will have to communicate with each other about when we are using the account, and making sure that we log out after we've completed a post.
I've decided that a way of cutting down time creating posts would be to have the posts already typed up and the images already gathered. If the posts are already written, then it will be far quicker to splice them all together and then publish them. This will also mean that future posts can be planned in advance, and therefore leave time for me to do other things during the holidays.
We did not sort out who would be posting about what, and decided that we could decide on this as the weeks go by. This will mean that creating posts beforehand will be more difficult, and could instead create a template for some of the subjects of the posts. Some posts are of the same subjects, so creating basic introduction and descriptions of projects should be easy and cut down on the work I need to do later.
This concludes Week 10 of this project. I aim to have at least three draft posts ready, along with any media I will need (screenshots, renders, videos, etc.), which will make adding them to a Wix post a lot quicker.