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Collaborative Project - Week 8

This week has finally given us some sort of direction for the project. We've decided that using our own course as the subject of our campaign would be the most effective strategy. To do this, we've decided to use Wix as the platform to promote and post this. A link to the Wix site will be on another platform in order to advertise it.

Since we did a project in Wix (and all of our blog work is posted there), I wanted to be able to work in Wix for this project in order to make things easier in this project. This will also mean that pages of the website will have to be designed before they are made, and posts have to start being considered. Here are some of my current ideas for how to reuse project from last year in order to make the workload of this and other projects more manageable:

  • 3D Models (Could include renders in various lighting, wireframes, and unsmoothed):

    • Revolver

    • Tower

    • Door

  • VFX (Could be as VFX Breakdowns or mini Reels):

    • Video Essays:

      • Cinematography and Compositional Elements

      • Historical Development of VFX

      • Visual Effects Case Study

    • Mini exercises:

      • Plane Animation

      • Graffiti Planar

      • Roto

    • Portal Shot

  • Games (Could even be linked in as playable demos):

    • Unity Games:

      • Code Breakdowns?

      • Our game projects?

  • UX/UI (could include links to the project websites or PDFs of the Game Design Documents):

    • Game Design Documents compared to games?

    • Websites compared to games?

This is the list I have of content, which will be easy enough for us to implement onto a blog, since all of this work has already been made. Some of these, such as the video essays, website tours and VFX Breakdowns have already been made as videos, which makes this task even easier. If these are used, then the original links to our blog should be credited.

What I hope to do for next week is have some blueprint designs for a website created, as well as a draft of a posting schedule that our group could follow. I can easily map out the site using, so this is something I could do in a day. These designs could be kept vague and changed later if something isn't right about them.

I started off by creating a simple wireframe for the computer and mobile versions of the Home page, which is where social media links (unless targeted) will send people. It needs to be informative, and also supply a link to the Nescot website, which is how people can apply to our course if they like the look of our work and want to create something similar. This wireframe could also be used to plan out posts in future if the layout is something we aren't sure about.


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