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Collaborative Project - Week 9

This week I worked out a basic schedule for us to go along with for our posts. This schedule will mean that there are 3 things posted per week, and each of us only has to post one thing per week. This means that we won't be swamped with work whilst trying to do other projects.

We also decided that this schedule will be flexible in case we cannot complete a post on time. This will likely be a problem for me, as I elected to post on weekends (Sundays) from home, which could lead to issues in gathering work. This means that I may end up posting on Monday instead.

Here is a list of posts according to the schedule:


*= optional

Week 1 - 3D Modelling

  • 3D Revolver reel

  • 3D Door reel

  • 3D Tower Reel

Week 2 - VFX Video Essays

  • Cinematography and Compositional Elements

  • Historical Development of VFX

  • Visual Effects Case Study

Week 3 - VFX Practical Exercises

  • Plane Animation + reel

  • Graffiti Planar + reel

  • Roto + reel

Week 4 - VFX Portal + Game Design

  • Group post of our Portal VFX shots

  • Unity Game reel (individual or cut together)

  • GDD (playboards and extras)

Week 5* - UX/UI

  • Website creation reels (could be individual or cut together)

  • Website tours*

Week 6* - Miscellaneous

  • Whatever we want to add (Posters, concepts, other Unity projects, etc.)


This list will help with keeping a clear image of the end goal of this project, which is to work together to create a social media campaign. Each week, we can discuss who wants to post what, and then post individually. Some posts we could end up doing may require us to group up and pool all our work into one post, but this could easily be achieved by everyone sending their work to one person to put together and post.

I also got together a list of things that could be included in certain posts in order to make our posting more uniform. It was important for us to understand that since multiple people will be posting their own work, then we must make it clear that we are individual people. If we don't do this, the website may seem inconsistent and confusing, and it could mean less interested parties visit our website.

To combat this, I put together a basic list of things we should have in different posts. I tried to keep this document brief and vague so that everyone can still work in their own ways. I did think that it was important for certain aspects of all our posts to be completely uniform. I decided that list list would be more of a guide rather than instructions, since each of us write in different ways, and some of the things listed may not be their styles. So, I decided that this document will be more of a set of suggestions instead of a mandatory list.

Here is the list:


*= up for the individual to decide/if unable to complete or obtain then ignore this point

All posts should:

  • Be signed of at the bottom by the author.

  • Include any links to the original posts any information, images and videos, hyperlinked to clear title links. This should be labelled as ‘Bibliography’.

    • Eg.

Posted by Jess Kesson


Game Design Document - Blog Post Game Design Document - PDF

3D posts:

  • Collages of screen-captures to demonstrate progress.

    • However many feels correct and enough to accurately summarise progress.

  • An explanation of the project to give context.

    • Eg. ‘Our theme for the year was The Dark Tower series by Stephen King, so the 3D projects were also inspired by this...’

  • Screenshot(s) of the final model.

    • This could include textured shots*

VFX video essay posts:

  • Context on what the video is about.

  • A backup link to the video in case it doesn’t play correctly.*

VFX practical posts:

  • Screen-captures of progress.*

  • An explanation of what the aim of this project was.

  • A final video version of the project.

  • A reel demonstrating the progression of the project to the final version.*

Unity posts:

  • An explanation of any context needed.

  • Videos of final games created for the project.

  • Playable demo linked on post*

    • This is complicated, so no one is expected to do this unless they really want to.*

Game Design post(s):

  • Explanation for context.

  • Image reel of GDD.

    • Could be screenshots of each page cut together in a Slider on Wix.

  • Link to PDF version of GDD.*

UX/UI posts:

  • Video of a website tour.

  • Link to the GDD that the website is based off of.

    • This could be a PDF or a blog link.


This has been a productive week for the project, and has seen us having a good amount of communication. We also worked out that we have more to post about than weeks left in the project, so any weeks after the formal deadline (December the 10th) can be spent posting anything else, although I have marked this in the basic schedule as optional.

Another thing that Cade mentioned was how we were going to promote this website. He suggested going to Leigh, one of our tutors, in order to try and promote the website through other students in Nescot. I also suggested that we go to Louise, the head of the Media Department, and discuss whether our website could be used during open evenings to get people interested in our course.

Next week, I plan to have some images and videos set aside to start creating draft posts so that posting them will be made easier for me.


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